Tuesday 10 July 2012

op date announced!!

Hey all, yes finally I have an operation date announced for the back surgery I have been waiting for, for soooo long! 7th August - Im terrified althou' pleased that the surgery will happen. The possibilities of what could happen are sooo scarey. However I am trying not to think of that. I have lots on my mind, mainly money worries - but then who doesnt have money problems.

Carol - my wonderful and infurriating (at times-lol) partner had the first holiday we have had in 3 yrs, and came back to bills, bills and more bills! makes the holiday unworthy. It was a cheap caravan park deal in Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk that I was skeptical over to start with. However was proven wrong after having a very restful and enjoyable time. But coming back with a cold and to bills took me straight back to the sofa where again I haven't left since saturday. Not only that but the cats needed defleaing!!!!! grrrrr! hamorraging money.

Carol flying a kite

However, the selfharm has calmed down for now despite my mobile phone being cut off due to a large bill, as our landline was cut off for 5 weeks due to a fault caused by water on the line and not sorted by BT quickly. I am hoping that once the back op. has been done I can start working with Carol on having a baby and ignoring my social workers advice, as she is an opinionated ________ please enter word here! x

Anyway I am off to do some sewing for the kids in my mums class, little stuffed owls. if i can get 30 finished soon! xxx love 2 u all xxx